Blogmas – Day 2 – Christmas Movies!

One of the best things about the Christmas holidays, aside from family, food, presents, Baby Jesus, decorations, snow, hot chocolate, and so on, are the Christmas movies!!! What better way to prepare for Christmas than to indulge in multitudes of yuletide theatrical eye candy?!

While I love watching almost any and all Christmas movies, I realized I only have a few true favorites, that I watch every year without fail. They are, in numerically descending order:

#5: Jingle All the Way – Arnold Schwarzenegger running around the city, trying to find Turbo Man, and asking the important questions…

#4: National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation – A few years back, I finally saw this movie in its entirety, and now understand why it’s such a classic.

#3: The Santa Clause – Man (accidentally) kills Santa, then becomes the new Santa. Morally questionable, but enjoyable nonetheless.

#2: Love Actually – just an awesome movie. Excellent cast, so many great moments, but the message of love is the best. ❤

And finally, my number one, most favorite Christmas movie is, of course…

#1: Home Alone!

Of course, there are many more great holiday movies out there; I’ve just realized I’ve never seen two of the other classics, “The Muppets Christmas Carol” and “Elf”. Pick your jaws up off the floor; I’ll try to rectify that this Christmas! 😀

And to stir up even more drama, I really don’t care for “A Christmas Story”. I think that my dislike of the movie stems from the fact of the few clips I saw when I was younger, where Santa kicks the boy down the slide, and the fact that a certain cable channel plays it on repeat. I have always had an aversion to watching this movie. Last year however, I watched the part towards the end, where the dogs eat the turkey dinner and the family has to go out for Chinese instead, and then there was that weird leg lamp thing. Basically, I don’t hate it anymore, but I now have more of a “meh, whatever” feeling towards it. *shrugs*

That sums it up for me. What about you? What are your all time favorite Christmas movies that get you excited for the Christmas holiday season?



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