Blogmas – Day 22 – Vlogmas Favorites!

Today, I am still feeling poorly, so I did pretty much nothing but rest. In choosing today’s blog post, I figured on doing something that’s easy enough to do, and that’s watching YouTube! XD

Many people participate in Vlogmas, but to be honest, I didn’t get to watch a whole lot. The one I mostly kept up with was Zoë, aka Zoella, as she did the 24 Days of Zoella, which was a main channel video everyday, on top of doing daily Vlogmas videos on her second channel, MoreZoella. 48 videos in one month; that’s insane!!

Two of my favorites from her main channel were the Last Minute DIY Christmas Gifts and the Ultimate Christmas Quiz with Mark. From the DIY one, I’m actually going to do the cookie recipe in the Kilner jars for some of my younger cousins. *Thumbs up*

From her second channel, I really liked days 8 & 9, Best YouTube Christmas Party and Christmas Sleepover with Tanya & Jim. Emilia was SO adorable in the start of day 9!

Another Vlogmas participant is Meg from MegSays. I actually found Meg through Zoë’s channel, and I’ve just really come to enjoy Meg’s videos. As a fellow invisible illness spoonie, it’s nice to find people whom you can relate to. ^///^ Anyways, one of my favorite Vlogmas videos from Meg is one she did with her grandma, Queen Jean, entitled, “Grandma & I Discuss 1D & Life Advice” – Queen Jean is a gem, and you should definitely check it out.

Finally, to end on a Phantastic note (see what I did there?! lolz), even though it’s technically not Vlogmas, I’m including from DanAndPhilGAMES, Dan vs. Phil – Festive Flash Fight! These two always bring the lolzy-bants, and they make me laugh, so it gets included.

And even through it’s definitely not Vlogmas or Christmas related, I’d totally recommend their Sims 4 series; their most recent episode took a steamy turn. ;p

So, that’s it for this post. What’s been your favorite Vlogmas moment?

*(gif credit:

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