What I Read Wednesday: Edition 0001 – Six at once? Really?!

Lately, I’ve noticed a bit of a slump in my reading pace, so I thought I’d try and do a weekly blog post about books, the whole books, and nothing but the books! XD

Usually, when it comes to reading books, I am your typical “one book at a time” kind of girl; however, since the end of last year, I’ve had at least SIX books that are active on my reading list. When reading, I can usually stay focused on the one book or series, but not this year! With that being said, let’s take a look at my current, active reading list, shall we?

First up, Kings & Queens of England, a Dark History: 1066 to Present Day by Brenda Ralph Lewis. I would consider this to be your basic coffee-table book. The information in the book for the most part gives a decent general overview; the “dark” history aspect isn’t anything surprising, just the usual sex, power-plays, and murders we’ve all heard and know about (Henry VIII beheading two of his wives, the Princes in the Tower, and so on).  One thing that was pleasantly surprising were all the images and illustrations; there were many I hadn’t seen before, and I think that this engraving by H.C. Austin of Isabella of France is my favorite.
isabella-of-franceIf you just want to get an overview of English royalty, with a focus on some of the darker aspects of their reigns, then this book is for you!

The second book on the list is The Demon’s Brood: A History of the Plantagenet Dynasty by Desmond Seward. This book is a specific focus on the Plantagenet Dynasty, who ruled England longer than any other royal family; they were on the English throne from 1154 starting with Henry II, to 1485, with the death of Richard III at the Battle of Bosworth Field.

The Plantagenet line originated in Anjou, in France, and if you’re familiar at all with British or French history, this is one of the reasons why these two countries were always fighting. As the kings of England were descendants of French heritage, they believed themselves to be the King of France, as their birthright, and were constantly trying to take back French lands. These constant raids from 1337 to 1453 is better known as the Hundred Years’ War; there were some major royal expeditions, and the most famous, I think, would be Henry V my bae, who had the most success, beating the French at Agincourt, eventually creating the Treaty of Troyes, where Henry married Catherine of Valois, daughter of King Charles VI of France. As a result of this marriage, Henry then forced terms that he would be Charles’s heir over Charles’s own son, the Dauphin, and then Henry and Catherine’s children would succeed Henry to the French throne. This never happened as Henry died about two years later, leaving his barely one-year old son as his heir, which was one of the contributing factors to the start of the disastrous War of the Roses.

From the Plantagenet line, there are two branches; the House of Lancaster and the House of York. These cousins, and their vying for the English throne, is one of the main factors that resulted in the War of the Roses. The reason it was called this is that Lancaster was associated with the red rose, while York was with white. This is best seen in the Plucking the Red and White Roses in the Old Temple Gardens by Henry Arthur Payne.
choosing-the-red-and-white-rosesWhen Henry VII came to the throne, he merged the two roses together to create the Tudor rose, which was symbolic as he was associated distantly with the House of Lancaster through his mother, and he married Elizabeth of House York, to bring the two warring houses together.

I think if you have any interest in this specific period of British history, this book would be awesome for you. It’s a very easy read, and Seward breaks his chapters up by each king, whom is given a descriptive name to further characterize their chapter. My favorite? “The Gleaming King – Henry V”, of course. ;p
A swift shift in topic is the third book, The Amazing Book is Not on Fire: The World of Dan and Phil by Dan Howell and Phil Lester. Dan and Phil are YouTubers, and this book is literally their videos in printed format! XD
img_5604The book doesn’t read like a traditional biography, which is totally cool, but it does follow the path of hitting main lifetime points; literally starting with their births, as shared by their mothers, moving on through childhood, and onto school & university, and what led them to start YouTube, to where they are now. Sprinkled in-between are many anecdotes, trivia & facts, and some how-to’s. In fact, while composing this post, I picked up the book to give a look through as to what I’ve already read, as a refresher, and just ended up finishing the book! So now, I can go ahead and mark that one complete (finally!), which is pretty good timing, since they just released Dan and Phil Go Outside!

Numero four is, Trigger Warning: Short Fictions and Disturbances by Neil Gaiman. I love, love, LOVE Gaiman’s writing. This book is comprised for 24 short stories, and so far, I am about halfway through. This particular book doesn’t follow your traditional anthology set up, where most of the stories revolve around a current theme or topic; instead Gaiman has provided stories that are sci-fi and contemporary, fairy tales and horror, pop culture and fantasy. It runs the total gamut and it works. They are all so different, but they all fit together. So far, my favorites have been “A Lunar Labyrinth”, “The Truth Is a Cave in the Black Mountains”, “A Calendar of Tales” (May, September, November, & December, in particular.), “The Case of Death and Honey” [see an excerpt below], “Jerusalem”, and “And Weep, Like Alexander” (which actually, if truth be told, has nothing to with an Alexander! XD). I think that if you have come across any of Neil Gaiman’s work and were deliberating whether or not to start reading (you should, you totally should!), this book would be an awesome gateway book, to see how he writes (which is awesomely, btw!), and to give you a taste of what you can expect with some of his full length novels.
img_5611img_5614                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Cinqo de book is The World of Ice & Fire: The Untold History of Westeros and the Game of Thrones by George R.R. Martin. Let me start off by saying that this book is GORGEOUS! I am literally the heart-eyes emoji when I look through this book. Hardback and about an inch thick, this book is jam packed with so many historical backstories and beautiful portraits and landscapes, it’s manna for a historical nerd like me (even if it is a history for a fictional world! XD) I am barely a quarter of the way through the book; there is just so much info, that I am taking my time to read and try to absorb it all. I’ve made it through the Ancient History and the Reign of the Dragons, and am about halfway through the Targaryen Kings. Moving ever so closer to Rhaegar and Lyanna’s story, but as the book is written in the voice of a maester to the king, we most likely won’t get the reveal that they are the parents of Jon Snow. (But that’s ok, because the show has practically already done that for us! XD)

Lastly, we have book number six, Tudors: The History of England from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I by Peter Ackroyd. This is the book that I have been consistently reading as of late. As the name implies, it’s a coverage of the Tudor period, from Henry VIII to Elizabeth I. The Tudor dynasty actually started with Henry VIII’s father, Henry VII, who combined the houses of Lancaster and York, putting an end to the War of the Roses. Team Lancaster FTW! Henry VII’s story was covered in Ackroyd’s previous book, Foundation: The History of England from its Earliest Beginnings to the Tudors. (Hot diggity dog, that title is a mouthful! XD) This book is the second in Ackroyd’s History of England series, and covers the four Tudor monarchs, Henry VIII, Edward VI, Mary I, and Elizabeth I.

I have made it through Henry, Edward, and Mary, and am just starting to delve into Elizabeth’s reign. So far, I’ve not really read anything I wasn’t already familiar with; most of the unknown came from secondary persons, and their stories, like the various bishops and priests, and their travails during the Reformation process. (Which let’s be real, was all about Henry VIII claiming all power and money, and nothing to do with Protestant/Lutheran beliefs.) I could honestly read about the Tudors all day, everyday! Good Queen Bess is my historical jam! XD
So that’s all the books that are currently on my active reading list! I’ve also read other books recently that didn’t spend as much time on my “currently reading” list, like Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children by Ransom Riggs, and Eat Smart: What to Eat in a Day – Every Day by Niomi Smart.

A special mention has to go out to Harry Potter and the Cursed Child by J.K. Rowling, John Tiffany, and Jack Thorne, because ERMAHGERD NEW HERREY PERTER!!! I bought this book on July 31st when it was released, and had it read COMPLETELY the same day. In all fairness, this is in a play format, not a novel format, so it was a quick read through. There were pros and cons with this release; I love that it’s expanding the Wizarding World universe, but at the same time, it read like fan fiction. I love how boss Hermione still was, but didn’t feel that Harry and Ron were the same people as in the original series; they felt weaker, and at times, like completely different characters. I think the Albus & Scorpius relationship was adorable, and everything we could have had, if Harry & Draco had ended up as friends. While I am thankful for the script version (because I don’t know if I’ll ever get to see the play), I think it would be nice to have a proper novelization, to flesh it out a bit more. Plus, Rowling can write some awesome dialogue that’s always nice to read.

That’s it for my inaugural “What I Read Wednesday” post! Let’s see what progress I manage to make next week, if any! Blogmas is getting ready to start, so I have been prepping posts for that, but I am planning for all Wednesdays to be book posts! Also, feel free to friend me over at Goodreads, where you can see all kinds of bookish activity! XD Please share any recommendations, or books you are currently reading, in the comments!

My 2016 Beauty Advent Calendar Selection

Last year, I did a blog post about beauty advent calendars, as I had just discovered them, and was too late to purchase a majority for the Christmas season. Needless to say, I learned my lesson, did a little research, saved some extra money, and this year, I started to pre-order and purchase some calendars starting in October. Now, all my calendars are here, and ready to be opened starting on the 1st of December. *\:D/*

The calendars I bought are just a few out of a great selection that are available; some are 12 day calendars, while the others are 24 days, and some can be considered luxury, while others are more budget friendly. As I’ve mentioned before in last year’s blog post, I think beauty calendars are just a good way to experience a brand’s product, before committing to more expensive, full size products.

Of the calendars I bought, I’m just going to be sharing the pictures of the calendars, and not really going too far into depth on the details with them, because I want it to be a surprise when I open each day. Every day in December is going to be like Christmas for me! XD

Lookfantastic’s “The Beauty Secret – Vol. 2”:

The Body Shop “Deluxe Cheeky Surprises Advent Calendar”:

L’Occitane Holiday 2016 Advent Calendar:

BareMinerals “Countdown to Gorgeous”:

Nyx “Box of Goodies” Advent Calendar:

Ulta 12 Days of Beauty:


Tanya Burr’s 12 Days of Christmas Beauty Calendar:


If you are wanting to know what’s inside each calendar, you should be able to click on the links above for more details (if the calendars are still available for sale, that is!), or specifically for The Body Shop, BareMinerals, L’Occitane, & Tanya Burr calendars, I’d recommend Fleur De Force’s blog post, The Best Beauty Advent Calendars 2016, as she has opened all the calendars and laid out all the items that are inside. I skimmed those REAL quick, so I wouldn’t be too spoiled! ;p

I’m very happy with the calendars I’ve purchased for this year, and am very excited to try out some new items; my only slight disappointment? That I still didn’t get the Tilbs’ calendar this year; maybe next year, Precioussss, maybe…

November Birchbox Unboxing

For this month’s Birchbox, it’s a super, extra bonus unboxing!! Birchbox had a free shipping promo running, so I added two extra kits, to come along with my monthly box; you can’t really say no to something free, now can you? Anywho, let’s dive in! \:D/


Starting off with the monthly box, can I just say how GORGEOUS the design of this box is?! It definitely ranks in my top 3 boxes I’ve received. Is it funny to gush over just the box itself? Oh, who cares! XD

This month’s theme is “The Finishing Touch”; items within are just those little things that can add to or enhance your daily routine. Also, I am glad to say, all the samples I’ve received in this month’s box are products I’ve not tried before, so I am definitely exited to do some testing! *does a jig*


Left to right, top to bottom, we have:
TokyoMilk Light “Awaken Within” Eau De Parfum: I am so picky with scents, but I really, REALLY liked this one. The description of the scent contains jasmine, orange blossom, and neroli, but for me, there’s also a warm, powdery undertone to the scent that I just love. Will most likely buy the full size later on down the road.

– Davroe Scalp Remedy Anti-Dandruff Shampoo and Conditioner: These came at the perfect time to try; with winter approaching, my skin gets so dried out, so this will definitely help out my scalp, and my scalp will thank me, of course. XD

Obilphica Professional Seaberry Serum (Medium to Coarse):  This is a serum to help damaged, colored, and unmanageable hair; two out of those three apply to me. (What’s the one that doesn’t apply? You’ll never know. XD) I have been coloring my hair for a little over a year now, and I can tell the damage that is being done, so I am constantly on the look out for products to help smooth and soften my hair. (OK, I can’t keep it in any longer; the unmanageable part doesn’t apply to me! Gimme a soft hair tie or a claw clip, and the hair will be managed, oh yes, it will…)

Oribe Gold Envy Luminous Face Mask: Are you telling me there’s gold in them thar face masks? Can I extract the gold, and melt it down, and resell it? Enquiring minds would like to know. Jokes aside (am I joking? Am I REALLY?!), I’m really lucky in the skin care area, in that I don’t have a lot of breakouts, and usually just have to deal with a hormonal spot or two. That being said, it’s still important to have a good skin care regiment, to maintain and care for your skin, regardless of breakout frequency. Next pamper session, I am totally breaking out this sample for use.

Supergoop! Forever Young Hand Cream with SPF 40: The majority of us probably never think about needing a hand cream with SPF in in. When I think about it, for me personally, my hands and forearms get the most sun and tan the quickest, compared to the rest of my body, so this is something I’m definitely interested in using. If it helps minimize the possibility of a farmer’s tan, then I’d say that’s a good thing! XD

Jane Iredale Just Kissed Lip and Cheek Stain in Forever Pink:  This is one of those nifty two uses in one product items; touted as a color changing stain, the product is formulated to adjust to your own body’s natural pH levels (thanks to the Red 21) to create your own custom hue. It is also jam packed with lots of fruit and oil ingredients, to help soothe and soften your skin. I’m partial to nude colors, so this may be something that’s good for your normal, everyday routine.

That takes care of everything that came in the main monthly box. As mentioned before, I decided to buy some extra kits. I’ve been really focused on skincare and hair care lately, so the two kits I bought were specifically that, The Ingredient Conscious Skincare Kit and The Frizz Fighters Kit!


In the Skincare kit, there are five skin care samples, that are all free of parabens, sulfates, phthalates, and petrochemicals:
– Acure Organics Pore Minimizing Facial Scrub
– derma e Purifying 2-in-1 Charcoal Mask
– The Organic Pharmacy Double Rose Rejuvenating Face Cream
– REN Keep Young and Beautiful Instant Firming Beauty Shot
– Balance Me Radiance Face Mask


In the Frizz Fighters kit, there are six hair care samples, to help smooth and tame those hair frizzies:
– Davines LOVE Smoothing Shampoo
– Davines LOVE Smoothing Conditioner
– Obliphica Professional Seaberry Serum (Fine to Medium)
– Oribe Supershine Moisturizing Cream
– Phyto Huile Supreme
– Living proof No Frizz Nourishing Styling Cream

That’s it for this month’s Birchbox! I received a lot of new products I’ve not tried before, and am eager to test them out. For those of you who also get Birchbox, what samples did you get this month in your box?

September, a very belated review.

September is one of my favorite months of the year. Summer turns to Autumn, we get closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas, and…it’s my BIRTHDAY month! XD A slightly selfish reason, but oh well. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ #dealwithit

Birthday aside though, I got up to a few things this month. Most were fun, but some were adult-y stuff, so let’s crack on, shall we?

The month started off with me being on vacation! w00t w00t! I didn’t travel anywhere, but had a stay-cation instead, and sometimes those are the best to have, when you truly need to wind down and just relax. That Monday was Labor Day, so my family got together for lunch, and we just visited with each other. It was a pretty chill day!

On Tuesday, I stayed at home and took care of some housework I wanted to get done, and one of those things was painting my bathroom! It was pretty ambitious for me to do in just one day, but the thing is that I had wanted it done for a while now, so I just buckled down and got it done.
It turned out pretty well, considering it was just me. The previous color was a dingy, off-white cream color; I wanted to brighten it up a bit, since it is a smaller room, so I went with a color called “Olympus White”, which is a white base, but with bluish-gray tones. I am very happy with how the color turned out. You can check that out here to see my Snapchat video of the progress that day.

The next day, Wednesday, I decided to go up to the mountains and play tourist for a bit. I started off my day by having lunch at one of my favorite places, The Wild Plum Tea Room, located in Gatlinburg. While they have some constant staples, like their Chicken Salad, Salmon Burger, and Plum Muffins, their menu does change daily, based on what ingredients are in season and available. They also offer vegetarian, vegan, and gluten free options.

For this day I opted to go with their Wild Plum Medley, which contains their homemade chicken salad, and the soup and salad of the day; for that day, it was a Sherried Tomato Bisque and a Potato Ranch Salad.
– The chicken salad contains apples, celery, and almonds, with mayonnaise and heavy cream giving it the cream base, but the kicker for me that makes it a bit more special is the hint of nutmeg that is also added, giving a little spice to offset the sweetness.
– The sherried tomato bisque starts with the aromatics (sweet onion, garlic, basil, oregano, thyme, tarragon, and rosemary); once those are sautéed, the chicken stock, tomatoes, and heavy cream are added. After simmering for a while, the basil pesto is added, along with sherry, and then once being served, it is garnished with some freshly shredded Pecorino cheese. This soup is so warm and velvety, and is perfect for the autumn months.
– The potato ranch salad was so flavorful, but surprisingly only uses a few ingredients; potatoes, ranch dressing, garlic powder, celery, red pepper and green onions. The salad was cool and creamy, a nice contrast to the soup; the ranch dressing was also a nice change from the mustard-based potato salads we usually have.

To top off that totally awesome lunch, I had the Amaretto Bread Pudding for dessert, and let me tell you, this dessert is divine!! The bread is soaked in light cream, while the eggs, sugar, and almond extract are mixed together, then added to the soaked bread. Almonds and raisins are added last, then it’s into the oven for baking. Once ready to serve, the dish is topped with whipped cream and amaretto sauce. It’s just so, so good!
This is just one of my favorite places to visit, and I’ll have to try to make another visit up there, before they close for the season in mid-December.

After lunch, it was such a nice and clear day, that I decided to drive up to Clingman’s Dome! Halfway up to the Dome, I took a break at the Newfound Gap overlook for a photo opportunity, and I’m so glad I did.

After my stop at the Newfound Gap, I continued on to the Dome. At 6,643 feet, Clingman’s Dome is the highest point in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and it lies on the Tennessee and North Carolina state line. The last few times I’ve been, it was foggy or really overcast which can limit the views; this day however, was a perfectly clear summer day, so I decided to make the hike up to the observation tower. It’s only a half-mile hike up to the tower, however it is a steep hike; lots of pauses and breaks were taken on the way up! Lots of breaks resulted in many photo opportunities!

That last pic above just shows how steep this half-mile hike is; you can see the parking lot to the trail just beyond the tree line, to the left of the first mountain range in the foreground. However, once I got to the top, the views were totally worth it!

And of course, it goes without saying, that the walk back down was SO MUCH EASIER than the hike up! XD

Before I left the park for the day, I chose a random pull-off on the side of the road, and found a creek! The sounds of running water in creeks and rivers is one of my favorite things. It’s just so relaxing and soothing.

I have a couple of videos of the creek, glorious sounds and all, here and here. 🙂

On Thursday, it was adult-y stuff day, where I got my license renewed, took Fred and Lucy to the vet (where Fred vocalized his displeasure! XD), had a quick clothes shop, and did some grocery shopping.

Then it was Friday, the BIG day! My BIRTHDAY!!! For that day, I treated myself to a spa day; a day of pampering and relaxation was just what I needed. Before I left, Jack and Maggie, our neighborhood cats showed up for some morning noms and kitty scritches!! They are just TOO cute!!

Once at the spa, I started off with an herbal bath, that was actually caramel brûlée scented, and totally got the autumnal vibes going. There was also a strawberry rhubarb candle burning, and it smelt amazing as well.

After that, it was on to my facial, then a full body massage, followed by lunch, and finally a spa manicure.

After the spa, I decided some retail therapy would be nice, and hit up my local Books-A-Million and Sephora! Books and make-up, just a couple of my favorite things! ^.^

Then I picked up some P.F. Chang’s for my birthday dinner, and headed on home.

That weekend, I also managed to finally get my planner done, with a little “help” from Lucy. XD

The next week it was back to work! Since I wasn’t at the office for my birthday, I came back to a decorated desk. My co-workers are awesome! ❤

Trying to get caught up on work after being out of the office is always crazy. Luckily, that Wednesday, I got my Birchbox, for a mid-week pick me up! 😀

During the latter half of that week, my dad came in town, so I spent some time with him when possible. The Saturday he was in, I was already scheduled for my annual MRI, but luckily it was early on Saturday morning, so I was able to get that done and over with before noon.

The rest of the month, in the words of Rihanna, it was “work, work, work, work, work, work”.

The last weekend of September, I had my hair appointment and got my brows done. I get my hair done at the Aveda Natural Alternatives salon, and as we are going into autumn, I decided to cut back on the pink in my hair, and went with more purple, with pops of pink throughout. I must say, I really like how it turned out.

That was pretty much my September. It was busy, but a good one. I know this blog post is going up super late, considering October is practically over, but September was such a good month, that I want to have this post, to look back on for the sweet, sweet mems. XD