Blogmas Day 4: How to Combat the Holiday Blues.

It’s one of the most happiest times of the year, so it’s TOTALLY impossible to feel down, right? WRONG!!

Even though the holidays are times of joy and cheer, it’s also totally possible to have days where you just aren’t feeling it. So what is one to do, when you’re feeling a bit down in the dumps, and need something to get you back into the holiday spirit? Here’s a few suggestions I have, that make me feel just a little bit better, when I’m having a bit of a down day.

Listen to relaxing music:
I truly believe that music can help heal whatever issue you are dealing with. Someone has already most likely written lyrics that you can relate to. Sometimes just stopping, listening to some tunes, and relaxing is one of the best ways to feel better. And if you’re feeling just a little Scroogy during the holidays, a Christmas album may help you get back into the season. (May I suggest Snowed In by Hanson?! ;p)

Have a relaxing bath and pamper session:
A steaming, hot bath with your favorite bath bomb, is one of the best ways to relax. The hot water will help relieve any body aches and tension. While in the bath, this is also a good time to do any facial or hair treatments that you just cannot do in the shower. Taking the time to exfoliate, cleanse, and plop on a face and/or hair mask, will help you feel so much more relaxed and refreshed. Having a scented candle going while in the bath adds another level of sensory relaxation.

Wear some cozy pajamas:
One of the best things ever is to put on some clean and cozy PJ’s, after a hard day of work, or being fresh out of the bath or shower. Let’s be real, getting out of a bra is what we all look forward to at the end of the day! XD

Have a snuggle:
Whether it’s with a family member, your significant other, or a four-legged companion, just having a hug can instantly put you in a better frame of mind. If you’re lucky enough to have a pet, it has been scientifically proven that petting an animal can improve your well-being, both mentally and physically.

Have a hot cocoa or tea, while watching a movie or reading a book:
For me, this is my ultimate wind-down. Enjoying a nice hot cuppa (decaf, of course), while getting lost in another world, is something that always relaxes me, and takes my mind off anything that may be bothering me, or pulls me out of my funk.

Those are just a few things that help me out when having a humdrum kind of day. While these kind of days can be annoying or bothersome, the important thing to remember, is no matter how down you may be, you can always find the beauty in the moment you’re in, and the sun will come out again. 🙂

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