Blogmas Day 7: Defeated by a Migraine

Hello everyone! Today is not going to be much of anything. I took my laptop to work to edit and complete today’s blog post on my lunch break, and then would finish it up when I got home.

Then it happened. Five o’clock hit, then there was a tingling-tightening sensation across my forehead. No big deal, just allergies, right? NOPE! Then the pain came, moved all over my head, and then it was too bright for anything. The good thing is that it happened close to quitting time; bad thing, hadto drive home, in the dark, with the BRIGHTEST HEADLIGHTS EVER from oncoming traffic. >.<

I got home safe which is the important thing. Ate dinner, and it felt like the pain was easing up, so I though, “ok, go ahead and finish today’s blog post!”, but as soon as the screen lit up, SHOOTING PAIN IN MY EYEBALLS OMG HEAD IS GONNA EXPLODE!!!!

So needless today, the original post isn’t going up today, and just typing this update is killing my head, but I didn’t want to miss a day in Blogmas. Here’s to hoping tomorrow is better! xx

2 thoughts on “Blogmas Day 7: Defeated by a Migraine

    1. Thank you so much for the lovely comment! ❤
      Yes, they are, and I hope you never have to experience one. It's pretty much kept me from blogging all weekend, but today, I am feeling much better, and getting back to posting. 🙂

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