Testing Thursdays – Test Subject 0002: Sunday Riley’s Good Genes, Luna, and Tidal.

Hello everyone! For the past few weeks, I’ve been testing out some new (to me) skin care products from Sunday Riley; Good Genes, Luna, and Tidal.


I have definitely noticed improvement in my skin’s softness…seriously, my cheeks feel as soft a a baby’s butt…not that we go around stroking babies bottoms, but you know what I mean…I hope! ¬_¬ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Anyways, I’ve known about the Sunday Riley brand for a while, but I’ve never really bought anything as this is a high end brand, which is more on the “dolla, dolla bills, y’all!” end. However, one day I went into Sephora for a makeover. These are awesome because your Sephora rep will pick out different items from different brands to put together a look that you are wanting. On this fateful day for me, my Sephora MUA Edie decided to moisturize my face in the glorious wonder that is Tidal!


Ever since that day, I would always walk by the Sunday Riley section in Sephora, and waffle between “OMG So Pricey!” to “it works, it REALLY works!”, when one random day, I found a travel sized version of Tidal in the checkout line! *Fist pump of awesomeness* This way, it was a small enough product to truly test, to make sure it wasn’t a weird one off occurrence, and I didn’t have to pay full price, in case I didn’t like it. Sephora is also awesome for doing combo packaging, so I also managed to get the Good Genes and Luna together in the Power Couple Duo: Total Transformation Kit, so I could test along with Tidal.


I can honestly say, when I use these products consistently, my skin feels at it’s absolute best. I’m blessed with pretty decent skin, so I don’t have problems with major breakouts or acne. That being said, as I’ve gotten older, the fine lines and wrinkles are starting to appear. These products for me have 100% worked in reducing the fine lines on my forehead, and makes my skin glow and shine. I often go without wearing make-up, and after cleaning my face and applying these products, I definitely don’t want to put on any make-up, because my skin just feels that amazing! (✿◠‿◠)

The routine I’ve established with these three products is that I will use Good Genes in the morning, and Luna at night. I will apply these first, then give them some time to absorb in to my skin, before applying Tidal to finish.

Overwhelmingly, I love the products; they work for me and my skin type, so I’m happy. Out of the three, the only one that has a slight con for me is the Good Genes. Now the product works, and does what it says; the only negative is the smell! In almost every review I’ve read, the smell is mentioned, and unfortunately, I have to agree with those reviews. Looking over the product ingredients, I see licorice, lemongrass, aloe, and cactus. To me, that combination just doesn’t sound like it goes well together smell-wise, but all-together that combination works its wonders on my skin, so I can live with the smell, as the results greatly outweigh it! 🙂 10/10 would buy again! ^^v

Have any of you tried any Sunday Riley products? If so, please share your favorites and recommendations in the comments! ❤ x

Testing Thursdays – Test Subject 0001: Neutrogena Body Oil in Light Sesame Formula

Recently, my skin has started going through its seasonal change. When autumn and winter come along, my skin gets really dried out, sometimes taking on the appearance of a dried out desert floor…ok, maybe that’s a slight exaggeration, but you know what I mean. The cold air just draws out any moisture in my skin, leaving it super dry, and sometimes, in places like my knuckles, the skin becomes chapped and cracked, which can be painful.

In order to hopefully prevent this annual irritant, I started looking into body moisturizers and lotions, when I came across Neutrogena’s Body Oil in my local Ulta Beauty.


I’ve never used a body oil before, but as I got to reading the back of the bottle, I thought I’d give it a try, and boy am I glad I did!


As you can see from the description, this product states that the oil glides on easily, leaving skin feeling soft and silky, giving a sheer moisturizing experience, and I can confirm that this is correct!! I always reach for this after my shower; as the directions state, I’ll put it on while my skin is still slightly damp, and it really does only takes a little amount. As the oil interacts with the water, it glides over more of your skin surface than you think it will. It also absorbs really well, so there’s no oily residue, only soft and silky skin. If you let your skin dry completely, you will have to use a little more of the product, but you will still get the same end result. The light sesame scent is also really nice; it’s not overpowering, and when used after a nighttime shower or bath, its calming and relaxing scent will help you nod off to sleep in no time!

I’m not the best when it comes to rating things; I either like them, or I don’t. XD If I did have to rate on a scale of 1 to 5, I’d probably give it 4 to 4.5 stars. I like the product, and it does what it says it does; my only negative with it is the packaging. The bottle is topped with a snap-cap; you pour out the product like normal, but when you go to turn the bottle right side up again, product always leaks out, and drips down the bottle. No matter how careful, or how quick I try to be, there is always oil running down the bottle, and I’m constantly cleaning the bottle, and wiping off the sink, where the bottle sits. If it was packaged with a pump instead, that’d be a five-star product for me! Regardless of that, I’d still recommend that you try this product, if it sounds like something you may like. The promise of a working product greatly outweighs a minor inconvenience.