Blogmas Days 6 Through 15: A Review.

So, let me just preface this blog post by saying I KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!!! >.>

I didn’t plan in advance, so I knew I was going to miss some days; I just wasn’t counting on it being 10 in a row.
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Basically, I got sick, and when you’re sick you really don’t feel like doing much of anything at all. I procrastinate enough when I’m healthy, but when I’m sick? Forgetaboutit!

So, I figured for Blogmas Day 15, I’d do a recap of all the goings on during days 6 through 15! (Which honestly, is not a whole lot cause I’m boring as heck, so hey, easy reading ahoy!!)
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Wednesday and Thursday was a whole lot of nothing, except for work and then watching Zoë and Alfie vlogs after work. Not a shabby way to spend the night.

Friday, I remembered to take in some Christmas decorations to work, and finally got my workspace decorated with a touch of Christmas. Basically, lights around my desk and a tiny tree on the desk; it’s enough to make me feel festive. Our department is having a decorating contest, and our row, unfortunately, is doing nothing. We’ve got some Scrooge McDuck’s!

Other rows are doing some awesome things; one has a theme of The Polar Express and another is doing Gingerbread Houses. It’s quite nifty.

Saturday, still feeling poorly, but Mom and I went to Dollywood to see the Christmas lights. It so happens because the weather was so mild that day, that it was one of the nights with record attendance in park history. Much crowd. Such claustrophobia.

Here’s a few more pictures from the night, but we’re going back next week since we’re on vacation, and I may do a proper blog post on it, since we’re actually going to see some of the shows. *thumbs up*

Sunday, I woke up feeling worse, so it was just a resting at home day. The most I did was watch cable TV movies (The House Bunny, anyone?) and took creeper photos of a sleeping Lucy. :/

Monday, I got up early and went to the auto body shop where Betsy was resting, and gave her a good clean out, since the salvage truck was coming later that day to pick her up. All things considered, I don’t think she looks too bad, but the insurance company said it would cost more to fix her than what she’s worth, so she’s a total loss. 😦 Bye bye, blue Betsy, you were an awesome car! </3

Tuesday, TODAY!! Yay! Typing all this up on my lunch break (it’s almost time to clock back in…NOOOOOOOO!!!) and will get it posted sometime after work. Tonight, I’m going to try and get some gifts I’ve already bought wrapped up, and clean up the tsunami of Christmas debris in my room. It’s bad.


Yep, no cleaning happened. Worked late, got home, and then got sucked in by The Voice finale. No surprise there! Maybe tomorrow will be better! *crosses fingers*