Blogmas – Day 4 – Of Decorations and Parking Lot Stumbles.

Today we did it! We finally got our tree put up and decorated, and got the indoor decorations put up as well! \:D/


This year we went back to our “traditional” full size tree; the last couple of years we have been using a very minimalist feather Christmas tree.


This year we kept the decorations on the tree simple as well; just some pearled garland strings, some Christopher Radko Christmas Brites Flocked Rounds, and some sparkly floral stems.


Off to the side, since we don’t have mantle to hang our stockings, we have a free standing stocking hanger; we have stockings for my Mom and I, our two cats Fred and Lucy, then a stocking for my Nanny, who passed away.

Now with all the decorations up, it’s definitely starting to feel more like Christmas.

After all of the decorations were up, it was time to get ready for evening service at church. Tonight was a short sermon, followed by some finger foods and the Lottie Moon basket auction, which helps raise money for missionaries. I actually felt like putting in some effort on my appearance for tonight, and if I do say so myself, it turned out ok.


Tools of the trade:

Pixi’s “Redness Reducing Primer”; used on cheeks.
Maybelline’s “Baby Skin Instant Pore Eraser”; used on sides of nose and inner cheeks. Works wonderfully!
Benefit’s “boi-ing” concealer in #02; really great coverage. 10/10, would recommend.
Smashbox’s “Camera Ready BB Cream” in Light. A great all-over coverage that is much lighter than a normal foundation.
Maybelline’s “BrowDrama Pro Palette” in Soft Brown 255. A wax to help set brows, a color to fill in brows, then a highlighter for brow bone, if needed.
Too Faced’s “Shadow Insurance Anti-Crease Eye Shadow Primer”, to help set the eye shadow.
Urban Decay’s Vice4 palette: colors used, “1985” (pink magenta shimmer) on the lid, “Harlot” (lilac shimmer) in the crease, “Bones” (silvery white shimmer) on the brow bone, and “Underhand” (burgundy purple shimmer) on the lower lash line.
Rimmel London’s “Wonder’Lash” mascara with Argan Oil in 001 Black.
Julep’s “Charming” lip gloss, a sheer mauve color.

So, I got my face on and feeling good, and I decided to wear my new wedge boots. Worst. Idea. EVER!! Just by looking at them, you wouldn’t think so. Go ahead, take a look; I’ll wait:


Totally cute, right? Cute, but deadly. First instance; we get to church, and are greeting fellow members in the sanctuary. Business as usual, then one step back and I roll my right ankle. Not too bad, done that loads of times playing volleyball when I was younger. Then after the service, we head downstairs for the food and auction. Feet really not liking me at this point, and can’t say I blame them, on a 3-inch or so wedge heel, when I’ve not worn anything with a heel in forever! XD

Anyways, we make it through the food line, and some of the auction. Both Mom and I were wearing down, so we decided to leave early. We make it outside and start walking to the car when BAM!, I trip and fall forward, luckily landing on my knees, then hands, and not my face. But that tricksy right foot of mine; something caught that shoe, and down I went. These shoes were my Titanic, sinking on its maiden voyage. T.T

Eventually made it to the car, and back home, to prop up the foot and write this blog post.

Oh, by the way, did I mention my cat Fred threw up on my bed while we were out? Cause he totally did. Which totally made this night even MORE awesome! < / sarcasm >

What a day! Every day is a good day, but today was a day, if you know what I mean. Can I be any more random?

We all stumble in many ways… (James 3:2)